Environ - Technology Towards Nature

Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability

At ENVIRON, sustainability means managing our business responsibly and sensitively. It means ensuring to include social, economic and environmental factors in the decisions we make to ensure long term business success. We believe it is our duty to our customers, clients, investors and employees to foster an ethical, responsible and sustainable corporate philosophy. Our goal is to be one of the leading members of corporate sustainability in our domain of operations.

We apply our competence, solutions and innovation to challenges in our field of operations in order to empower people, business and society to help shape a more sustainable environment. We advocate use of Technology for Good. Our approach to sustainability seeks to heighten our positive impact and minimize negative impacts. Conducting business responsibly through high standards for business ethics is a top priority as we believe this approach delivers new business opportunities, more efficiency, less risk and attractiveness as an employer.

Engagement with stake holders – such as clients, customers, employees, suppliers, industry partners, government, non-government organizations, research institutes and media to help transform Technology for Good into reality with concrete initiatives and innovative approaches and solutions that serve as a catalyst for change.